Corporate Human Trafficking Training

  All Employees 
 ~ 30 Minutes
**Please note: There is NO CERTIFICATE issued after the completion of this course. If you are a CDL holder in need of a certificate to obtain or renew your CDL, please complete one of TAT’s main industry training courses available in the Course Library.

Whether in a public-facing role or supporting operations behind the scenes, corporate employees – such as dispatchers, administrative staff, salespeople or executives - can play a vital role in the fight against human trafficking. When managing logistics, coordinating deliveries, supporting HR efforts or overseeing operations, your involvement in fostering awareness for teams to identify human trafficking and know how to report it is essential. Furthermore, you, as an individual, need to understand the signs. As a member of your community, you also have the opportunity to potentially witness sex or labor trafficking, as this crime could be happening in your neighborhood.

This course, which can be completed in less than 30 minutes, features testimonies from three diverse survivors (from the U.S. and Canada) who experienced sex or labor trafficking, as well as guidance from industry professionals on how to identify red flags and report to either your national hotline or local law enforcement. Learn how human trafficking intersects the common places of everyday life, and discover what you can do to help combat this crime where you live, work and interact daily.